SearchWP WordPress Plugin
SearchWP WordPress Plugin makes Custom Fields searchable!
Custom Fields (post meta) are completely ignored by WordPress search! Use SearchWP WordPress Plugin to instantly make all of your valuable data searchable.
SearchWP WordPress Plugin works with all Custom Fields in any way you’d like, including data from popular plugins
SearchWP WordPress Plugin fixes your ecommerce search!
Your products have many attributes that are ignored when searching!
SearchWP WordPress Plugin considers all of your product details (attributes, taxonomies, etc) from plugins like:
- Woocommerce
- EasyDigitalDownloads
- Bigcommerce
and more! SearchWP WordPress Plugin has first party integrations which automatically integrate better search results.
Before making a purchase or accessing our services, we recommend that you review the following information:
Monday – Friday : 08:00 – 18:00 hrs.
Request plugin update you need and we will have it for you. We will notify you to the email entered.
Note: Due to the timezone differences, our support team may take several hours to get in touch with you.
We don’t offer any additional author services like author’s support and license keys and we are not affiliated or in any way related to third-party developers or trademark owners. If you want to know more about GNU / GPL License, click here.